High School Teacher


Kôkô kyôshi

Outros títulos
  • 高校教師 - Japão
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Média geral 4.5
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
104 minutos

The Story of Untouchable Passion In a rugby match, disaster strikes as player kazuki causes serious injury to his friend Takeshi, and as a result he is left as a vegetable. Kazuki is so plugged with guilt that he quits the team and settles in a remote kamakura Girl’s high School as a sport teacher. During a hot summer holiday, Kazuki has fallen into a love relationship, albeit unacceptable to the outsiders, with one of his student Moe. Later, he realizes that his attraction to her comes from nothing other than her loneliness and a crime labelled as grossly unforgivable.

Estreia Mundial:
6 de Novembro de 1993
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