I Kill You


아이 킬 유

Outros títulos
  • Ai Kil Yu - Coreia do Sul

Sun Woo comes from a poor family background. She was once a promising Taekwondo athlete, but she now works part-time jobs to support herself. One day, she is is selected to become the stand-in for Ji Yeon due to their similar appearance. Ji Yeon is the granddaughter of Beomhan Construction Company's chairman. She was the driver of a fatal hit-and-run car accident. Sun Woo must play Ji Yeon in front of the public and media. Meanwhile, Sun Woo becomes the target of Ho Joong’s hostility. Ho Joong is Ji Yeon’s stepbrother and he has an inferiority complex over Ji Yeon. He wants to become the successor to Beomhan Construction Company.

Estreia Mundial:
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