Joanie Loves Chachi (1ª e 2ª Temporadas)


Joanie Loves Chachi (Season 1 and 2)

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Joanie Loves Chachi is an American sitcom television series and a spin-off of Happy Days that aired on ABC from March 23, 1982 to May 24, 1983.
The series is set in the early to mid-1960s and follows the exploits of Joanie and Chachi as they moved to Chicago and tried to make it on their own with a rock band and a music career at a time when the British Invasion was looming (one episode was titled "Beatlemania"). It mixed the traditional elements of a sitcom with musical performances on each show by Baio and Moran. In fact, the beginning credit sequence of the show had them singing to each other. Their backup band consists of a spaced-out drummer named Bingo and Chachi's blasé cousins Mario and Annette.

Estreia Brasil:
13 de Abril de 1982
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Elenco de Joanie Loves Chachi (1ª e 2ª Temporadas)

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