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  • أوف سايد - Emirados Árabes Unidos
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Goro Kumagaya is an established, tall middle-school goalkeeper who wanted to enter Yokonan high-school that is considered to be among the elites in terms of its football club, only to fail and end up in the lowly-ranked school opposite to Yokonan because of an accident. However, he met Shingo, Hideki and Kazuhito Oda who are all skillful footballers. Together with the Kawasaki High School football club, they challenge Yokonan and any other schools that they have to face in order to become the regional and national champions. Any setbacks that they face would instead be an opportunity for a better improvement; one of which was the discovery of Goro's natural talent as an ace striker.

Estreia Mundial:
10 de Maio de 2001
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