Perfect Education 6: Red Murder


Kanzen Naru Shiiku: Akai Satsui/完全なる飼育 赤い殺意

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  • Perfect Education 6 - Estados Unidos da América
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Média geral 3.7
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99 minutos

Fumiya owes 5 million yen to a female loan shark for a gambling debt, while having an affair with Mrs. Hosoi, who offers him 5 million to murder her husband. Fumiya has no choice but to kill Mr. Hosoi. Unfortunately he's seen by a neighbor. In the escape, he meets a girl named Akiko. He hides in her house. Later on, Fumiya and Akiko fall in love and have sex. After that, he finds that the house owner Shin kidnapped Akiko when she was a little girl and has kept her in the house for over a decade. Fumiya is determined to take her away from Shin's brutal confinement. A battle of wills between jailer, prisoner and an accidental savior begins.

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