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  3. > Animal Act with Baboon, Dog and Donkey
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Título Animal Act with Baboon, Dog and Donkey (Original)
Ano produção 1919
Dirigido por
1919 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 2 minutos
Países de Origem


Opens on a closeup of a baboon “playing” a violin, then cuts to a medium shot of the same. The baboon wears a white short-sleeved shirt with a loose bow tie and tweed pants. Cuts to a closeup of the baboon in a circular mask or iris effect, without the violin but with a collar around his neck and a striped kitten that he places on his shoulder. Another iris effect opens to a long shot of a stage with a painted backdrop of a river. Standing at stage left is a woman in a spangled, sleeveless dress to the knee and high laced boots, holding the leash of a dark donkey. (Library of Congress)




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