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  3. > George MacDonald (V)
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Nascimento: 10 de Dezembro de 1824 (80 years)

Falecimento: 18 de Setembro de 1905

Scotland, UK - Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte

Lousia Powell (1851 - 1902) (her death)

Had 11 children (6 sons and 5 daughters) with wife Louisa Powell, four of which died during MacDonald's lifetime.

His book "The Princess and the Goblins" have been shortened and spoofed on several television shows including Fractured Fairy Tales on "The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle" (1959) and "Shirley Temple's Storybook" (1958).

One of his children shares a name with one of his most popular characters: Irene. This same daughter also appears in several famous photos by Carroll, Lewis (a.k.a. Rev. Charles Dodgson).

Son Greville Macdonald also became a writer.

Traveled in many literary circles. In his life, MacDonald knew John Ruskin, Lady Byron (widow of the famed poet; she even left MacDonald money in her will), Thomas Carlyle, and Tennyson, Alfred. He also was friend and mentor to Charles Dodgson, better known as Carroll, Lewis. Carroll used to photograph MacDonald's children and they were given the "Alice's Adventures Underground" manuscript to read before giving it to Alice Liddell (the girl the stories were written for). Thanks to their insistence, Carroll had the book published.

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