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Título Jack the Tickler (Original)
Ano produção 1995
Dirigido por
1995 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 55 minutos
Classificação 18 - Não recomendado para menores de 18 anos
Países de Origem


Jack's back! This time his trusty scalpel has been replaced by an even more fiendish instrument. The feather of doom! Now fearful females who walk the night must search the shadows to avoid a fate worse than. One unguarded moment could be a pretty girls undoing. She may find herself stripped and bound in the secret lair of this demented doctor, her exposed and helpless body is easy prey for his prodding fingers and cruel feather. She could find herself caught in an endless ordeal of tickling til her laughter is turned to sobs of despair. Is there no end to this madness? When will the streets be safe again for the lovely ladies of the night.

*Não há cenas de penetração ou oral, apenas de 'tickle torture'
*Ano pode estar incorreto

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