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Scavenger Hunt Junho 2020

1. As a narcissist, I am also a stand-up comedian. Watch a movie about a perfomer/performers.

2. I have two younger sisters whom I love very much. Watch a movie about brothers and sisters.

3. I have lived in Florida my entire life. Watch a movie filmed or set in Florida.

4. I am 36 years old. Watch a movie starring a 36 at-the-time actor/actress.

5. I was in high school from 1999 to 2003. Watch a teen movie from that time period.

6. When I graduated high school, I joined the Air Force. I was kicked out five months later. Watch a movie about joining the military.

7. I have pretty bad depression/ADHD. I'm ok now, I take medication for it. But it was a struggle for a long time. Watch a movie about depression.

8. I'm 6 foot 3. Watch a movie featuring a tall actor. 6 feet tall or higher.

9. I'm Irish-German. Watch a movie that features the UK/Ireland and or Germany.

10. I don't care about sports, but I enjoy a good sports movie. Watch a sports movie that's ranked 3.5 stars or higher on Letterboxd.

11. Horror is a genre I have minimal exposure with. Pick a genre you have the least experience with and watch one of Letterboxd's Top Ten ranked films from that category

12. My favorite movie podcast is Blank Check with Griffin and David. Watch a movie that has been covered on that podcast.

13. As far back as I can remember, I loved movies. The first actor I can remember being my "favorite" was Robin Williams. Watch a Robin Williams film.

14. I'm an atheist but I love movies that feature heaven/hell and angels/demons. Watch a movie that features characters from the Judeo-Christian religion.

15. I'm very liberal politically. Watch a movie featuring a famous Hollywood Republican.

16. Among my film friends, I am a famous MCU defender. Watch a movie starring an actor/actress who was in Avengers Endgame.

17. I love the Cornetto Trilogy. It's probably my favorite set of films. If you haven't seen Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz or The World's End watch it! If you're like me, watch either a zombie film, a cop movie, or a movie about aliens.

18. Lately, I've really been getting into movies from the 1970s. Watch a film from the 1970s.

19. A favorite trope of mine as a kid was body swapping movies. Watch a body swap movie.

20. I have never seen a Hitchcock movie. Watch a Hitchcock movie!

21. I have never seen The Godfather films. Watch The Godfather or a film starring Brando, Pacino, De Niro, Keaton, Duvall, or Caan.

22. I've only seen 18 of the 92 Best Picture winners. Watch a Best Picture Winner.

23. I don't watch a lot of foreign language films. Watch a film not in English.

24. I'm going to school to become an elementary school teacher. Watch a film where the main character is a child.

25. Famous people who share their birthday with me are Chris Rock, Ashton Kutcher, James Spader, and Tina Majorino. Watch a movie with one of these fine people in them.

26. One of my favorite TV shows is the reboot of Doctor Who. Watch a film featuring Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, or Jodie Whittaker.

27. My personal hero is "Weird Al" Yankovic. If you haven't seen UHF, watch it! Or watch any parody film.

28. One of my favorite genres currently is movies about food/chefs. Watch a movie about food/chefs.

29. I love pro wrestling. Watch a movie about pro wrestling or featuring a wrestler as an actor.

30. And finally, I'm basic. My favorite band is Metallica. Watch a movie with a Metallica song in it.

Lista Original: https://letterboxd.com/danlewis84/list/scavenger-hunt-63-june-2020/

Lista editada há 4 anos

30 0

Você já viu 0 dos 30 filmes desta lista.
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    Noite de Estréia

    4.4 52
  2. Incêndios (Incendies)


    4.5 1,9K Assista Agora
  3. Quanto Mais Quente Melhor (Some Like It Hot)

    Quanto Mais Quente Melhor

    4.3 853 Assista Agora
  4. Papillon (Papillon)


    4.2 324 Assista Agora
  5. Premonição (Final Destination)


    3.3 1,2K Assista Agora
  6. Destacamento Blood (Da 5 Bloods)

    Destacamento Blood

    3.8 448 Assista Agora
  7. Melancolia (Melancholia)


    3.8 3,1K Assista Agora
  8. Por um Punhado de Dólares (Per un Pugno di Dollari)

    Por um Punhado de Dólares

    4.2 419 Assista Agora
  9. Aguirre, a Cólera dos Deuses (Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes)

    Aguirre, a Cólera dos Deuses

    4.1 159
  10. Rush: No Limite da Emoção (Rush)

    Rush: No Limite da Emoção

    4.2 1,3K Assista Agora
  11. Shura (Shura)


    4.2 10
  12. Laços de Ternura (Terms of Endearment)

    Laços de Ternura

    3.9 247 Assista Agora
  13. O Homem Bicentenário (Bicentennial Man)

    O Homem Bicentenário

    3.7 1,2K Assista Agora
  14. Dogma (Dogma)


    3.5 324
  15. Vitória Amarga (Dark Victory)

    Vitória Amarga

    4.1 66 Assista Agora
  16. Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira (Blindness)

    Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira

    4.0 2,5K
  17. A Noite dos Mortos-Vivos (Night of the Living Dead)

    A Noite dos Mortos-Vivos

    4.0 549 Assista Agora
  18. A Noite Americana (La Nuit américaine)

    A Noite Americana

    4.3 188
  19. Orlando, A Mulher Imortal (Orlando)

    Orlando, A Mulher Imortal

    3.8 113 Assista Agora
  20. Disque M Para Matar (Dial M for Murder)

    Disque M Para Matar

    4.4 681 Assista Agora
  21. Uma Rua Chamada Pecado (A Streetcar Named Desire)

    Uma Rua Chamada Pecado

    4.3 456 Assista Agora
  22. Se Meu Apartamento Falasse (The Apartment)

    Se Meu Apartamento Falasse

    4.3 422 Assista Agora
  23. Tropa de Elite 2: O Inimigo Agora é Outro (Tropa de Elite 2: O Inimigo Agora é Outro)

    Tropa de Elite 2: O Inimigo Agora é Outro

    4.1 3,5K Assista Agora
  24. Kes (Kes)


    4.2 142
  25. Meu Nome é Dolemite (Dolemite Is My Name)

    Meu Nome é Dolemite

    3.8 362 Assista Agora
  26. Cova Rasa (Shallow Grave)

    Cova Rasa

    3.9 313
  27. TV Pirada (UHF)

    TV Pirada

    3.1 11 Assista Agora
  28. Volver (Volver)


    4.1 1,1K Assista Agora
  29. O Lutador (The Wrestler)

    O Lutador

    4.0 912
  30. A Grande Aposta (The Big Short)

    A Grande Aposta

    3.7 1,3K


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