The Generator


The Generator

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Virtual technologies and human touch interaction blend when scientist Max Bernholm discovers that by connecting himself to a computer server he can achieve "the human feel." This allows users of the program, known as "The Generator," to experience the same feelings that the human subjects were experiencing when connected to their computer systems. Leander, the captain of the subjects was brought in as a kid and trained to make other people's dreams or fantasies come true within the virtual world. However when Max, testing his newest technology of mind control, starts to lose control, Leander and his girlfriend Natalia are drawn into a hazardous game. The only chance to stop Max depends on Leander gambling with his life, but if he succeeds, he could save not only his own life, but the lives of his loved ones.

Estreia Mundial:
28 de Setembro de 2017
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Elenco de The Generator

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